Harnessing sustainable energy sources in businesses and companies is an urgent necessity to combat climate change, protect the environment, and reduce energy consumption. Moreover, by doing so, companies not only decrease the environmental impact of their operations but also gain significant benefits, such as savings on electricity, gas, and water bills.

Furthermore, utilizing renewable energies as a sustainable alternative and committing to energy use for sustainable development are factors that enhance companies’ competitive advantages. Thus, companies demonstrate to customers and investors that they have a genuine concern for environmental preservation, a quality that is highly favorable to their image.

Indeed, in recent decades, corporate social responsibility and the interest shown by companies in environmental conservation have become decisive factors for consumers when purchasing a service or product.

The population, increasingly concerned about their surroundings, tends to sympathize more with companies committed to reducing the use of non-sustainable energy and promoting clean energies, in other words, with “green” brands, concerned about habitat and nature conservation.

Exploring sustainable energy in Mexico

There are increasing numbers of companies that are opting to harness sustainable energy sources and implement renewable energies for sustainable cities. In doing so, they have increased their energy-saving capacity by using sustainable systems for their operations, such as Quartux’s energy storage systems, which help them avoid power interruptions and improve their productivity levels while caring for the environment.

Thus, the interest in renewable energies and the sustainable use of energy pave the way for greater energy efficiency, with incalculable advantages, including:

  • Avoiding pollution from fossil fuels and their environmental impact.
  • Reducing electricity costs.
  • Achieving energy efficiency that poses no risks to health or the economy.

Throughout the country, there are various initiatives, legislation, and private, public, and academic projects linked to promoting renewable energies for sustainable development in Mexico, such as the Ministry of Environment, Energy, and Sustainable Development, based in Oaxaca, as well as the Law for the Sustainable Use of Energy, currently referred to as the Energy Transition Law.

Renewable energies as a sustainable alternative

There is currently greater professionalization in sustainability in energy and the environment, as well as in the understanding of the advantages of sustainable energy supply in Mexico.

Thus, university degrees such as the Bachelor’s Degree in Energy Management and Sustainable Development, offered by the University of Nuevo León, and the Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering and Sustainability, offered by the Universidad Michoacana, among many other options, have been incorporated by public and private institutions in their academic offerings with the aim of training professionals specialized in harnessing sustainable energy sources in the country.

In this context, many companies have decided to transition to clean energies and incorporate specialized personnel in renewable energy proposals and sustainability. Likewise, the public sector has benefited from these advances, with advantages such as cost reductions in electricity services, such as public lighting and water pumping, among others.

Examples of sustainable energy in companies

Currently, there are different types of sustainable energies, and companies have several options to harness them and contribute their “grain of sand” to the planet’s conservation. Among the sustainable and renewable energies produced in Mexico and that can be implemented in companies are:

Installation of solar panels (or photovoltaic cells)

Solar energy is one of the main ways to harness sustainable energy sources and is currently the most frequently implemented in companies.

This renewable and inexhaustible energy source is obtained from sunlight or heat, so it can be photovoltaic or solar thermal energy and used to generate electricity or produce heat, respectively. Solar energy is obtained through panels and mirrors and its utilization means significant savings on companies’ electricity bills.


This form of harnessing sustainable energy in companies is carried out through the use of domestic combustion appliances, such as stoves, fireplaces, or boilers, for the creation of steam, heating, and hot water, which are used in various industrial activities. Biomass is a source of thermal energy in which forest residues, as well as residues from livestock or agricultural activities, are rescued and reused.

Currently, companies like Siemens promote the use of biomass for steam and electricity generation in the food and beverage industry in the country. With its use, the purchase of natural gas is avoided, polluting emissions are reduced, and electricity bills are decreased.

Learn more about the benefits of saving energy in your company with the Quartux system.


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