Working with industrial batteries requires a lot of care and specialized attention, as they are devices with high-capacity designs that need to be handled by a professional team that can fully comply with the necessary safety measures to preserve them in excellent condition.

The main function of an industrial battery charging room is to have a charging and discharging area specifically conditioned so that the batteries can be kept safe, whether at rest or when charging. Therefore, proper maintenance of an industrial battery charging room ensures the quality and lifespan of the batteries, minimizes risks, and ensures that backup power remains reliable and safe.

Safety requirements in the battery charging room

Firstly, it is crucial to control the ambient temperature of the industrial battery charging room, as it should not exceed 30º C, requiring an adequate ventilation system.

Additionally, it is essential that only specialized personnel authorized for battery maintenance perform the maintenance, assuming responsibility for keeping the battery room in optimal conditions and conducting routine inspections to detect possible damage, corrosion, and ensure the quality of the batteries and chargers.

Those responsible for supervising and maintaining these rooms must use equipment and tools specially designed for battery handling (for example, a battery cart), as well as personal protective equipment to keep them safe while performing their tasks, such as safety glasses, gloves, and industrial footwear.

Safety comes first

Safety work practices are the foundation for caring for a battery charging room. Therefore, it is indispensable that before entering, the battery charging room is ventilated for at least five minutes to ensure safe access for the trained personnel who will maintain the battery bank.

Another crucial safety measure within an industrial battery charging room is sealing the cable ducts that enter or exit and not installing voltage plugs inside. Additionally, it is necessary to ensure that there are an adequate number of fire extinguishers to be used in case of emergencies.

The floor of this battery room must also meet certain characteristics to keep the batteries in optimal condition, so it is ideal for it to be flat and have leveled concrete, as well as a coating that is resistant to acid.

Potential risks in a battery room

Battery handling requires experience and professionalism, with trained and responsible personnel who preserve their safety and that of their work team. Among the main risks that can be found in a battery charging room are equipment overheating (which can occur when incorrect cable extensions are used) or short circuits derived from the use of cables in poor condition.

Additionally, there are risks such as collisions due to improperly placing charging instruments, as well as the danger of fire from flammable materials being handled without proper care.

Only for professionals, like the experts at Quartux

As can be seen, a fundamental aspect for the use and maintenance of industrial batteries is that their supervision and care are in the hands of experts, and access to places such as a battery charging room is permitted only to personnel who can prove they have the necessary training.

Batteries are delicate devices, and their care should be handled by specialized personnel, such as the team of professionals at Quartux, a leading energy storage company with extensive experience in the installation of lithium-ion industrial batteries in more than 15 entities across the country.

Learn more about Quartux’s energy storage system and start saving up to 40% on your electricity bill!


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