Would you like to start a business in the energy storage and renewable energy industry? Here we tell you what you need to succeed in this sector, which enjoys excellent growth prospects worldwide.

Storing renewable energy: a great business opportunity

There is currently a growing global need to use clean and renewable energy sources, as well as to increase their storage and consumption efficiency, which has opened up opportunities with great rewards and fruitful projects in the energy sector.

Furthermore, Mexico is one of the countries with the most potential for generating energy from renewable and clean sources, and it is expected that in the next two decades, renewable energy production will increase from less than 10% of the total energy produced in Latin America to one-fifth (20%).

Among the great opportunities offered by the renewable energy industry to small businesses are areas such as the installation, sale, and distribution of solar panels, biofuel production, solar refrigeration systems, among others, but undoubtedly one of the most attractive businesses today is related to energy storage.

Battery energy storage: a great venture

The best way to store energy is in batteries, especially in industrial lithium-ion batteries, whose use has experienced rapid growth in recent years, alongside the development of new technologies and software that increase energy efficiency, creating new sustainable business opportunities.

Energy storage systems using lithium industrial batteries have the capacity to maintain uninterrupted power supply, offering a great solution for energy saving and backup for industries. These devices store electrical energy with significant advantages in the market: capacity equivalent to lead-acid batteries but with a lifespan up to three times longer, they are up to 50% more compact and lightweight, and they reduce charging times by a third.

With Quartux’s control software, our battery system performs peak shaving, meaning it reduces energy consumption from the grid during peak demand hours, to use energy produced from renewable sources, such as solar. The batteries provide the energy that covers the peaks. With this, we achieve that customers save up to 40% on their electricity bill.

Sounds interesting? Work in large-scale electrical energy storage!

This technology is profitable and has been proven to help stabilize the electrical system, in addition to generating and harnessing a large amount of clean energy.

Join our Quartux Partner Network and start your new business now!

Renewable energy storage is a profitable business, especially because it promotes positive changes in the use of alternative energy sources, a topic that many companies are currently interested in, as by limiting their dependence on fossil fuels and using green energy, they reduce their long-term operating costs and contribute to environmental conservation.

At Quartux, we are looking for partners like you to expand the great benefits of energy storage systems throughout the country. We will provide you with the most professional and specialized training so that you know everything about the technology required for the design and installation of your energy storage project.

With our guidance, your business will be perfectly qualified to make your new energy storage project a reality, in which you will help many companies save on their electricity bills while caring for natural resources and increasing their energy efficiency.

We accompany you throughout the process

Through our Quartux Partner Network, we accompany you throughout the learning process until you manage to start up your energy storage systems. We guarantee that you will achieve the full satisfaction of your customers, and furthermore, your company will be able to sell the system and receive 100% of the economic benefits.

Energy storage needs entrepreneurs with vision and innovative ideas, willing to take advantage of the great business opportunities of large-scale energy storage: one of the best investments for being a high-tech solution that generates very successful new business models.

We work with all companies in the energy sector that want to improve their value proposition and become experts in batteries.

Write to us and become our partner!


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