Electricity storage with batteries is an excellent solution for harnessing energy generated through solar panels.

Advantages of Storing Solar Energy

Photovoltaic solar energy is obtained directly from the sun’s radiation and is generated through photovoltaic solar panels. These solar panels have silicon cells, which serve to transform the sun’s heat and light into electricity.

But why is it useful to harness stored energy from a solar source? Having a renewable energy source like solar power and complementing it with a storage system can help companies demonstrate their commitment to the environment and against climate change, alongside electricity savings and monetary savings.

By discovering how electrical energy can be stored in a battery system and deciding to install it, companies can make the use of electricity generated through solar panels much more efficient, as it can be utilized during periods of high demand and when the costs of electricity supply are much higher.

In summary, it could be said that there are three major advantages to combining a solar energy production system with an electrical energy storage system: 1) reducing peak demand loads, 2) changing electricity consumption profiles, and 3) maximizing the use of all solar energy produced by photovoltaic solar panels.

Solar Energy, Make the Most of It!

In a lithium-ion battery energy storage system, such as Quartux’s, solar energy generated when there is more sunlight is accumulated and reserved for use during nighttime, rainy, or cloudy periods—times when it may not be possible to generate more solar energy. Over time, a storage system helps reduce the electricity costs paid by companies, by reducing demand charges, which can represent between 20% and 40% of the total amount of their electric bills.

By combining a solar energy source with an electrical energy storage system in batteries, it is possible to maximize electricity usage and also obtain significant long-term economic benefits. In this sense, it should be clarified that storage systems can be implemented even when companies do not have their own solar panels or solar energy production systems for independent energy generation, as they can also be installed in industries and companies that consume solar energy commercially.

Good Reasons to Install a Battery Storage System

Electricity consumers who decide to start benefiting from the significant advantages offered by installing an electrical energy storage system that complements their solar energy production or consumption have greater support thanks to the energy reserve stored in these systems. In this way, stored solar energy allows them to continue their operations without interruption, in addition to improving their responses to energy demand.

Integrating an energy storage solution with solar technology requires a team with expertise like Quartux, a 100% Mexican company that has demonstrated its ability to ensure the joint operation between solar panels and batteries. By opting for a battery storage system to harness solar energy, you are investing in a process that will provide benefits for a long time.

Why Choose Quartux to Store Solar Energy in Batteries?

Quartux’s battery system guarantees maximum energy efficiency by operating storage systems tailored to the needs of each client. Our team has all the certifications to carry out these processes, top-notch technical training, and is made up of highly specialized personnel with extensive knowledge of the National Electric System.

We are a company with extensive experience and have worked with electricity generators and large consumers of electricity throughout the country.

If you have solar energy production facilities, you may have already noticed a reduction in your energy consumption. By incorporating the advantages of a battery storage system into your facilities, those savings will increase, as you will reduce the demand charge on your bill by shifting your energy consumption to the less expensive periods of the day.

Don’t wait any longer and discover Quartux’s innovative and intelligent storage system.


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