What is the network code?

The Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) issued the Grid Code in 2016 to establish criteria for efficiency, quality, reliability, continuity, safety, and sustainability of the National Electric System (SEN).

It stipulates all the technical-operational requirements that users of the National Electric System must comply with, meaning all those involved in distribution, consumption, transportation, or generation of electricity, as well as entities responsible for electricity supply or commercialization.

Who Does the Network Code Apply to?

According to the provisions after its publication in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) on April 8, 2016, when the Grid Code comes into effect, these rules apply to all users of medium and high voltage: from small businesses with low electricity consumption to load centers (companies or industries) with complex electrical installations and a contracted electricity demand of over 1 MW.

Subsequently, starting from April 9, 2019, the provisions of the 2019 Grid Code in the DOF become mandatory, and all users or load centers receiving electricity at medium and high voltages must comply with the Regulatory Manual of Technical Requirements for the Connection of Load Centers of the Grid Code.

Complying with the Grid Code contributes to the overall stability of Mexico’s National Electric System. One of its main objectives is to ensure that companies and industries connected to the grid do not negatively affect the reliability, quality, continuity, safety, and sustainability of Mexico’s National Electric System. In case load centers do not meet the Grid Code regulations, fines ranging from 50,000 to 200,000 minimum wages can be imposed.

Comply with the Network Code with Quartux

Quartux’s lithium-ion industrial battery energy storage system helps improve the energy quality of companies and industries. Thanks to our advanced technology and ability to make electricity consumption more efficient, at Quartux, we help companies maintain compliance with the Grid Code parameters, ensuring good quality of consumed energy at all times and avoiding costly operational issues such as fines, penalties, or excessive charges.

Energy storage is one of the alternatives to improve companies’ production processes, generate savings, and increase the lifespan of installations. That’s why our software contributes to making companies highly efficient in their electricity consumption and allows load centers to maintain their operations under stable conditions while meeting their electricity consumption needs with a decrease in electricity tariff costs.

Regulatory Changes: Network Code 2.0

Last year, the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) made and approved changes to the initial regulations, leading to a second version of this regulation, known as “Grid Code 2.0”, which was published in the DOF on December 31, 2021. This 2021 Grid Code establishes the mandatory nature of parameters such as power factor, with a two-year compliance period for load centers. Its main changes include the following:

-Regarding the power factor, the requirement is extended to connected loads in medium voltage, with demands exceeding 1 MW. They will have a two-year deadline for compliance.

-Starting from 2026, the power factor to be met is 1.0 for 95% of the time and 0.97 in lagging.

-Elimination of the concept of application to special loads, applying to all load centers connected at high and medium voltages with a demand exceeding 1 MW.

-Maximum voltage values ​​are set at 105% maximum and 95% minimum under normal operation and 110% and 90%, respectively, under different conditions (up to 20 minutes).

-Short-circuit levels will be published with a three-year horizon instead of six years.

-The maximum load current will be calculated as the average value of the previous 12 months.

-It provides greater certainty to renewable sources or “asynchronous technologies” and clarifies the participation of renewable plants in primary control during low frequency, a fundamental requirement to maintain their reliability within the National Electric System.

-In relation to renewable energy sources and the Grid Code, Mexico is still discussing the mandatory use of batteries for storing this type of energy.

Learn more about Quartux’s platform to comply with Grid Code 2.0 and ensure the quality of the energy you consume in your company.

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