A battery bank is a system that allows for the storage of electrical energy in a set of batteries connected in series or parallel, for later use. This type of system is used in various applications, such as photovoltaic solar installations, uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems, electric vehicles, and telecommunications installations, among others.

In Mexico, Quartux’s technology drives this innovation based on industrial lithium batteries, which store electricity for use during peak demand periods for CFE (Federal Electricity Commission) when the cost of electricity is higher. This significantly reduces electricity bill payments and has become the solution for a wide variety of industries, such as manufacturing, hotels, airports, and supermarkets.

How to Install a Battery Bank?

In addition to energy storage capacity and battery type, other factors to consider when designing a battery bank include the depth of discharge (amount of energy that can be extracted from a battery without damaging it), maximum charge and discharge current, as well as operating temperature.

Together, a battery bank has an energy storage capacity of 800 watt-hours (Wh) or more and is common in small to medium-scale photovoltaic solar installations, where it is necessary to store electrical energy generated by solar panels during the day for use at night or on cloudy days.

How Do Battery Banks Work for Energy Storage?

An 800 Wh battery bank may consist of one or more batteries connected in series or parallel, depending on energy needs and individual battery capacity. When batteries are connected in parallel, the voltage remains the same while the amperage increases. For example, if 12-volt (V) and 100 ampere-hour (Ah) batteries are used, eight batteries in series would be required to obtain a 96-volt and 100 Ah battery bank, which equals an energy storage capacity of 9.6 kWh (96 x 100 Wh).

The energy storage capacity of a battery bank is one of the most important factors to consider when designing a photovoltaic solar installation. The capacity of the battery bank must be sufficient to meet the energy demand of the load during the period when solar energy is not being generated. In addition, system efficiency must be considered, as not all batteries are equally efficient in converting and storing electrical energy.

Lithium Batteries, the Most Efficient Option

Another factor to consider when choosing a battery bank is the type of battery. The most commonly used batteries in photovoltaic solar installations are lead-acid batteries and lithium-ion batteries. It is important to note that lead-acid batteries can withstand a depth of discharge of 50%, while lithium-ion batteries can withstand 80% or more.

Similarly, lead-acid batteries are more economical but require regular maintenance and are not as efficient as lithium-ion batteries. Lithium batteries have higher energy efficiency and require much less maintenance over their lifespan.

Enjoy all the benefits of the Quartux system

The use of battery banks for energy storage in the Mexican industry has become a comprehensive solution for companies. This is due to the multiple benefits offered by this technology, as battery banks provide an efficient and affordable energy storage solution for businesses of all sizes. This means that customers can rely on a secure source of stored energy that can be used when additional energy is required.

Technological innovation and research advancement have become essential factors for a secure energy future. Battery banks are designed to ensure that the internet, cloud data, financial records, and all necessary information that industries and companies need are available even when energy is interrupted.

Battery banks also offer a secure way to store energy for future use. The role of these batteries is fundamental for the proper functioning of any country’s infrastructure, as they provide backup power for all sectors of the industry, and battery banks are specifically designed to meet all their needs.

Don’t wait any longer and discover all the benefits that the Quartux storage system has for your company. We have the right financing plan for you!


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